Friday, January 12, 2007

My future looks bright….and sunny that is. I will be heading down to a little island off the gulf coast of Florida for 7 days at the end of March.

I am really excited. I love love love to plan vacations!!! I love finding things to do in unknown territories, though Missy and I will be traveling back to the same spot we went to last year. But that means we get to try all the stuff we didn’t do last time around. I am not sure quite yet what I will plan but I have already been scoping out reviews of some restaurants that we didn’t try last year. Though we are going to make a point to go back to one small cafĂ© for breakfast again, they have the best whole wheat pancakes and I can order a whole bowl of yummy blueberries!!!
New trips = a new mix cd (or 2). Needless to say, this is one of the most fun parts about planning a trip. I love making a good mix cd that fits the adventure. And with a new trip should come a new wardrobe right? Or at least a new partial wardrobe. I already have my swimsuit picked out:

I also just got word that the house that we stayed in last year was sold but the guy bought a bigger one which we will be staying in!!!!! Bring on the sun and relaxation!!!!

While I was on vacation I rediscovered the most wonderful cheap cleaning product COMET!

Gets those tough stains off the counter and sink! Yeah, I know, if I cleaned up everyday I wouldn't have that problem. I can't believe I just blogged about a household cleaner. Sad.

1 comment:

katielicht said...

holy cow!! okay, many things: i'm so glad you get to go back to florida! we wanted to get to sanibel when we were down there but it was too far. you'll have so much fun though. i love that swimsuit, too.

aaand, don't worry about loving comet. . . . I'm totally obsessed with comet/ajax and cleaning the sink. it's my favorite kitchen chore by far.