Wednesday, August 16, 2006

38 days until the big day, that is just over a month! I can't believe how fast it has come and all of the stuff there is left to do! And can you believe I am still sending out invitations?! I keep thinking of people to invite.
I had a dress fitting last week here are some photos my mom took:

I am getting ready for my annual camping trip with the girls. I am really looking forward to it, so much fun! Hikes, boat rides, Lake Superior, maple syrup, I really can't wait!

Tonight I promise to take some pictures of my knitting, I have been slacking on that and I apologize to my secret pal, this is supposed to be a knitting blog.


1 comment:

Kaitie Tee said...

Your dress is gorgeous! Have fun at Lake Superior. I love how the water just barely warms up even in the hottest months of summer.